Related product carousel
In the “Type” you can choose what type of products should be displayed: related or recommendations. If you need to have a title in the carousel, you can write it in the “Title”. In the “Size of columns” you can choose how many products should be displayed in one row. Simply choose the needed option from the dropdown list. On the “Max count” scale from 2 to 50 products you can choose the maximum number of products that should be displayed in the carousel. If this amount is bigger than the one you have set in the “Size of columns” a carousel will be dynamic and the products will be changed one by one. If the amount is the same, the carousel will be static.
If you want the products to be autoplayed enable the option “Autoplay”. On the “Autoplay speed (sec)” scale from 2 to 10 seconds, you can set the time-frequency with which the products will be changed in the carousel. You can also choose whether arrows or bullets should be displayed when the products change, simply by enabling one or all of these options. If you enable “Is infinite”, the related product’s carousel will be infinite. If you disable this option, the carousel will stop, once it shows the last product.
Here is an example of the “Related product carousel”: