If you want the title of the blog to be shown, you can enable the option “Show title”. in the “Type” you can choose how the articles should be displayed. There are 2 types available:
On the “Type” option you may configure the items per row.
Type #2, 3 items in the row
Type #2, 4 items in the row
Type #2, 6 items in the row
Please note, the Type settings can be applied only for desktop. It will be shown one item in a line on mobile by default.
If you enable the option “Enable masonry” the blog posts will not have fixed height rows:
On the “Posts per page” scale from 3 to 24 you can set the number of posts that should be displayed on the blog page.
Here you can decide what content should be shown in the post, e.g.: image, information, tags, content, button, comments, empty comments. Simply enable the options you need. If you enable all of them, the post may look like this when being hovered over with the mouse:
On the “Max post content length (letters)” scale from 10 to 200 you can set the number of the letters that should be displayed in the post when one hovers it over with the mouse.